Thursday, December 22, 2011

Too Good to Be True

Have you ever been in a place in life where everything seems to be going smoothly? You feel like you've got everything together and everything is moving along like normal. I'm not talking about WONDERFUL times where great things are happening...just the times that are peaceful. You aren't in the midst of any big trials and things are manageable. Things are safe and predictable and the possibility of hurt is minimized.

But then something really good happens, and it's hard to believe it's true. It's hard to accept. At least for me it is! I've been so used to going through trials and hard things, that when something good does happen, it can be a little hard to accept the gift, for fear that it will be taken away. It's easier to keep going in the "manageable" and the status quo than to step out and take a risk by stepping into something new and good.

But some gifts are so amazing, you can't help but hope they are true and take the chance. So you step out in faith and push off the "good" and reach for "great". It's worth it! I believe that. Because God is the giver of every good and perfect gift. He is not harsh or unfeeling. He is kind and gives good things.