Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Reason to Stay Single

I can't remember if I posted this a long time ago, but I encountered it again and thought it was so hysterical that I had to share it. ENJOY!

A girl was out with some friends on King St. (in Toronto). A guy approached her and wouldn't leave her alone. He kept telling her how cute she is. She finally gave in handed the guy her business card just to get rid of him.

Here are TWO voicemails the guy left her. Hysterical, especially the second one. You can clearly see why she didn't call him back. Instead she called in to the Z103.5 morning show and had them play the phone messages on the air.

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year, New Look, New Thoughts

Hope you like the new look of my blog. I feel like I've made so many changes in my life in past few months that my blog should reflect that! A fresh look and a fresh outlook for the new year.

Yesterday I was reminded that I don't often remember what a BIG God I serve. And so often, I don't have because I don't ask. But why should I be afraid to ask God to do something "too big" or "too specific?" That's just silly. In fact, God wants me to think big and to be bold when I emplore Him. God wants me to be persistent like a child who will keep asking until their request is granted. My prayer is that I will return to the simpicity of my faith and be like a child before Him, unashamed to ask for anything from my Father who loves me.

God is so big, He even uses my sin to bring glory to Himself. That's tough for me to grasp. No, I don't want to sin. I need to flee from it and mortify it violently if necessary. But I WILL sin and God's grace is so big, God is so good, that He will use my sin for good. So what do I do? What is my job? I will strive to die to sin and rest in grace!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tall Soy Chai Tea Late, Extra Hot, No Water and the Church

There's something about a cup of chai that makes me feel happy, introspective, and ready to take on the day! The hot, delightful, liquid oozing down my throat, through my body, and warming my tummy is a wonderful addition to a cozy couch and my Bible.

And my thoughts drift to things I can't stop turning around in my head. I read something that transformed my thinking about how to view the church. It's a concept I'd ever really thought about before. The church is the vessel through which God shows His grace to His children. That is why He has given the church instructions to devote ourselves to the teaching of the Word, the breaking of bread, to prayer, and to baptism. All of those are things...teaching, communion, prayer, baptism...those are ways that God lavishes us with His grace.

Church is about God giving us His grace. It's not about what I "do." Even when I "do," I am simply a vessel of grace that God is using to bless someone through me. What a humbling concept. WOW!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

What in the world?

I'm wearing warm, fuzzy, black gloves (the kind where you fingers are free, but your thumbs stay warm.) If you were wondering, that's how I can type and wear gloves at the same time with no problem.

I was out of town for the holidays, but I'm told that it snowed in the Santa Clarita Valley while I was gone! WHAT? All I can say is, "What in the world is going on?" Since when does it get this cold in CA? Yeah, gotta love that global warming we are having.

Well, the holidays are over, I can feel it. No, I can't really explain it. I'd just look stupid trying to detail how I can almost feel the festive spirit in my heart slowly fading with each decoration I put away and with the Christmas music fading in my head. There's a holiday energy that I can literally sense dwindling away. But I know it will come back next year, it always does.