Tuesday, January 04, 2011

What in the world?

I'm wearing warm, fuzzy, black gloves (the kind where you fingers are free, but your thumbs stay warm.) If you were wondering, that's how I can type and wear gloves at the same time with no problem.

I was out of town for the holidays, but I'm told that it snowed in the Santa Clarita Valley while I was gone! WHAT? All I can say is, "What in the world is going on?" Since when does it get this cold in CA? Yeah, gotta love that global warming we are having.

Well, the holidays are over, I can feel it. No, I can't really explain it. I'd just look stupid trying to detail how I can almost feel the festive spirit in my heart slowly fading with each decoration I put away and with the Christmas music fading in my head. There's a holiday energy that I can literally sense dwindling away. But I know it will come back next year, it always does.

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