Sunday, December 12, 2010

Isn't it Ironic?

Once upon a time I had something good and didn't realize just how good it was until it was gone. Instead, I wanted something else, something slightly different. I didn't mean to, and didn't realize it, but I tried to change that good thing and ended up losing it. Now after all this time, I have what I wanted before. But I don't want that anymore. I want what I had. So I gave up what I don't want, but I still don't have what I do want. Isn't it ironic?

They say what goes around comes around. I really believe this is true, and right now I am getting a taste of my own medicine...exactly what I deserve.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

ahhh... that is a sad post. :( A little cryptic too since I am not sure what you are referring to. :) I sometimes wonder if God is "punishing me" for this reason or that reason.... but then I remember that the whole wonderful thing about God is that He doesn't treat us according to what we deserve! :) So even if your wants and desires were wrong before - remember God doesn't treat us according to what we deserve. I remember that when God blesses me what I was expecting "consequences of my sin" and instead of consequences I receive a blessing? What's up with that? Only displays God's goodness even more.