Friday, October 28, 2005

What's Emerging from Evangelicalism Today?

I am amazed at the different movements the church has had to battle with all of these years. And they just keep on coming. I've been reading up on the newest fad/phenomenon sweeping through the church these days--it's called the "Emerging Church."

Leaders of the Emerging Church are targeting people in my generation (ages 18-30). They've seen my generation's rejection of the charismatic approach to worship and our desire to get back to the roots and basics of our faith. In an attempt to make worship services more appealing to this target audience, they've taken to dark, solemn meeting places with Celtic crosses, candles, and antiques strewn about. They encourage people to have individual relationships with God--if that means getting up in the middle of service to go in the corner and pray, then by all means, please do. In the Emerging Church, worship is expressed in a variety of means--painting, drawing, writing, poetry, any creative medium with which you want to worship God.

While many of the foundational elements of the Emerging Church are acceptable and even commendable, I am concerned with the direction the movement is taking. It seems the Emerging Church has been so distracted and preoccupied with the ambiance and method of their worship, they've neglected the content and object of it. In fact, the gospel seems to be secondary or nonexistent in subjection to the needs and numbers of the church.

As evangelical Christians, it is our responsibility to know about such movements and to be educated about their content so that we can be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in us...yet with reverence and gentleness. I would encourage you to google "The Emerging Church" and find out more about it. There are some great articles about it such as the ones I've listed below:,,PTID314526CHID598014CIID2082654,00.html,,PTID314526CHID598014CIID2082384,00.html

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