Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Go Fishing, Look at the Stars, Get a Massage, Finish My Book

On Saturday my pops took me "deep sea fishing." We took a boat from Long Beach with a group of about 20 other people. It was kind of chilly and don't ask me why, but I wore flips-flops. Flips-flops do not bode well in a slippery boat and it doesn't feel too good to have your feet in a puddle of cold water for 4 hours. My dad took home 2 scopin fish and had to throw back 5 that were not quite long enough to meet the cut. For those of you mathematicians out there, that makes a total of 7 catches for my dad. And my grand total? None, zip, zero, zilch, nada, however you say it, it all means the same thing--I CAUGHT NOTHING! But I still had a blast out there with my dad, taking in the fresh air.

Another one of my birthday resolutions was to sit in the back of my car and look at the stars. Now, for all of you astronomers out there, Northridge is not the best place to look at stars. In fact, I sat in the back of my car, truck, SUV, tank, whatever you want to call it, and I looked at a hazy sky. I did see one star. It was a beautiful star. It twinkled. I wished on it, since it was the brightest star in the sky. It was the only star in the sky. I'm convinced it still counts.

Getting a massage had to be my favorite resolution. It was an easy one to keep. I found a little hole-in-the-wall massage place near my house and my friend joined me for a massage. She opted for a 30 minute one and I got an hour. The lady was so nice, she gave me a little extra time and even showed me some exercises I can do. It was fabulous. Everyone should do it.

This last resolution is the one I am most proud of. I finished my book! It is called Annabel West. It's about a girl with a twin brother who lives in New England. Her father suddenly decides to head west to find gold and drags the family with him to fulfill his dream. The story takes place during the gold rush and is about their adventures getting to and living in the west! Who knows? Maybe someday I'll get published.



Ebeth said...

I'm proud of you for getting everything on your list done. And go for it re your book. Make that the first on your list for this next year.

grace said...

i also think that one star counts :-) congrats on the book!

A. DeVandry said...

Understand that the fish know which hooks belong to fathers, and they chase those hooks.

JoyinChina said...

Great job, Nea! I'm proud of you finishing your resolutions, especially your book! Can I get an autographed advanced copy? :)

calebandalair said...

WOW Nea! This made me smile BIG!