Monday, June 04, 2007

Impartial Love

You know when God triggers something in your mind--something you read, or heard in a sermon--and you can't stop thinking about it. Well, that sums up some of my thoughts this past week.

Last weekend at my Bible study retreat in Mammoth, Bruce Blakey spoke about the spiritual discipline of serving one another. He talked about the passage where Jesus washes the disciples' feet. And he touched on the fact that Jesus treated Judas so well, no one believed Judas was the betrayer, even when Jesus revealed it. Jesus loved Judas so much and exercised such compassion toward Judas--up until the very last moment, He gave Judas a chance to repent and to turn from his evil ways. Jesus even dipped bread and gave it to Judas, indicating that he was a special guest of honor.

What wondrous love is this?

I pray that I can be the same way to those who have mistreated me. I pray I can demonstrate the same kind of love towards those "hard to love people." And I pray my love will be so extreme that I can love even my enemies the way that Jesus loved Judas--the way that Jesus loves me!


Jen said...

What a great post- you are right. We all should be more like that! I love you and your blog! Let's meet for dinner soon!

David Cho said...

Very good post.

But then, Jesus said to Peter, "Get Thee behind me, Satan" and he turned out to be alright.