Friday, February 08, 2008

I'm Learning...

I've learned so much about myself in the past couple of days, it's overwhelming! God is so good to grow us and stretch us even when it is extremely painful at times.

“Unlike the people-pleaser, who worries himself sick when he senses that he may have displeased someone by his words (or actions), the person who pleases God knows how to dismiss such anxiety with the assurance that he has, in fact said (or done) that which pleases God. Now it’s not that the God-pleaser never wonders whether he could have said things better, or that he never ponders a more biblical course of action than the one he took, or that he doesn’t listen to valid criticism and ask for forgiveness when he knows that he has sinned in the process of trying to please God, but if he knows that he hasn’t sinned, he does not worry or fret about the consequences of his actions. He trust God to use what he has said or done for His glory, and he knows that God is causing all things to work together for his own good.”
-Lou Priolo
Pleasing People

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