Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Decisions Are the Worst

Don't you hate it when you have to make really important decisions, but honestly don't have a clue what to do? Even after you've prayed extensively and sought wise counsel, sometimes things still don't seem clear.

I just recently finished reading a book called "Just Do Something." The book is about decision-making. And it's really making me think. I'm becoming more and more convinced that we have too many choices nowadays which actually makes life much more difficult.

Years ago people really had no choice but to live where they were born and to do the jobs their parents did. There was no battling over "career choice" or where to move to. They also stayed at the church where they were raised. No jumping around to find a church that perfectly suits your style. And maybe there were 2 Christian women or men in town around the same age. So they married one of them. Life was simple. Life was easier.

Maybe there is something to be said for the way people lived 50-100 years ago.


The Resident Writer said...

I've often thought that same thing. Would you be working at GTY if you didn't have a car? Would you have the same friends? In such a big church as we go to, too, it is easy to love your friends because you can choose friends who are loveable. In a small church, you don't have that choice. If you don't want to be alone, you just have to spend time with people you wouldn't choose to spend time with.

Ebeth said...

I found a little book called FOUND: GOD'S WILL to be useful