Baby Framed
"Indian authorities discovered they had a wee problem when their robbery suspect turned out to be a 3-month-old baby. According to the charging papers, the police had issued a warrant for the baby on robbery, extortion, and banditry charges after an assailant stole fares from a bus driver. Police say the bus driver named the baby in his report to authorities because of a personal grudge he bore against the baby's father."
WORLD MAGAZINE, November 25, 2006:
Pretty in Pink
"Several inmates who staged a breakout attempt and set fire to the Dallas county (Mo.) Detention Center in October returned to their cells only to find Sheriff Mike Rackley had done some redecorating. 'Basically, if they are going to act like children and commit a childish act, then we'll make a childish atmosphere,' Rackley said after having the cells painted pink with blue teddy bears. 'And it's a calming thing--teddy bears are soothing. So we made it like a daycare and that's kind of like what it is, a daycare for adults who can't control their behavior in public...How do you feel though in a pink atmosphere?'"